Sunday, March 22, 2015

What You Shouldn’t Hide From Your Doctor

If you have plans to visit your doctor in the near future, you should discuss the following five issues if they apply to you. By keeping the line of communication open with your physician and telling him or her everything that you need to, you will be making sure you receive the proper treatment so you can lead a long and healthy life.

Disclose all Symptoms
Many patients do not tell their doctors about all the symptoms they have been having for one reason or another. Quite often, patients think that symptoms are not a source of concern.  According to doctors, patients should always share their symptoms with their doctors even if a patient thinks the symptoms aren’t important or will dissipate quickly. Quite often, what appears to be a minor symptom turns out to be a bigger problem.

Any Medication, Supplements, or Vitamins
If you take any non-prescription medications or herbal supplements, you need to make certain you share this information with your doctor at your next appointment. Experts also recommend telling your doctor what type of vitamins and natural supplements you take as well. This is because not everyone should take over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and other natural supplements.

If You Are Taking Your Medication as Prescribed Regularly
If your doctor has prescribed medication and you are not taking it regularly, then you want to be up front and tell your doctor that you are or are not taking your prescription regularly or as directed. In order to treat patients, doctors have to know exactly what their patients do on a regular basis. Not taking a medication as prescribed can have adverse effects and your physician needs to know about this, which is why it is important to always be truthful and tell your doctor whether you are taking your medication.

Alcohol Consumption
Many patients who drink alcohol on a regular basis often forget to mention this information to their doctor. According to the experts, patients should always tell their doctors if they drink, even if the amount is minimal. This is because many medications can react negatively with alcohol. This is why it is very important to share this information with your doctor even if you are too embarrassed to tell your doctor how often and how much you drink.

Smoking or Drug Use
Each time you visit your doctor you need to disclose whether you smoke or take illicit drugs.  Many people are embarrassed to be honest with their doctor, so they choose not to share this information. Not telling your physician the truth can have a devastating impact on your health. This is because doctors are there to help their patients. If they do not have all the information necessary to make the proper diagnosis and help their patients get better, then doctors have difficulty treating patients. This is why it is important for you to tell your doctor if you smoke or take drugs.

By choosing to be honest with your doctor and never hiding any of the five issues discussed above, you will be on your way to making sure you get the best treatment each time you visit your physician.

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