Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Treatments for Tenesmus Sufferers Who Have Ulcerative Colitis

Tenesmus is a condition that makes you feel like you have not completely emptied your bowels even after you are done using the bathroom. Overcoming tenesmus when you have ulcerative colitis is possible.

May be Caused by Hemorrhoids
Tenesmus is sometimes caused by hemorrhoids. To alleviate tenesmus that is caused by hemorrhoids, the best thing to do is to take a sitz bath when you are done using the bathroom. Use warm water for the sitz bath. You can make it as hot as you can stand it if you want.

Another way to alleviate tenesmus caused by hemorrhoids is to apply a hot or cool compress to the area when you are done. You should figure out which one works best for you.

You can talk to your health care provider about applying a hemorrhoid crème. Some health care providers will advise against this in certain cases. If you can't use a crème, consider using hemorrhoid cleansing cloths or witch hazel pads.

Sometimes, the cause of tenesmus is not known. If the above suggestions do not work for you, consider sitting on the toilet for a few minutes after you think you are done. This is not a good idea if you have hemorrhoids, because it will usually make them worse.

Sometimes, irritation of the lining of the anus or bowels is what causes tenesmus. In this case, you may be able to use suppositories to lessen the sensations. Ask your pharmacist or health care professional for product suggestions. Some products are not meant for use by people with ulcerative colitis.

Increase Moisture
Petroleum jelly applied every time you go to the bathroom can decrease the sensation of having to go by increasing moisture in the rectal area. The frequent diarrhea that is caused by ulcerative colitis can cause irritation and dryness of the rectal area.

If none of these suggestions works, the next step is to talk to your health care professional about the problem. Your health care provider may be able to offer you natural solutions. It is sometimes necessary to take steroids or other prescriptions to rectify the problem.

It is important to remember that if you are using the bathroom frequently, you may feel like you are not done emptying your bowels because you have completely emptied them already.

10 Simple Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

Avoid Bad Breath with Proper Dental Care

Halitosis means foul or offensive-smelling breath. It comes from inside your mouth and is usually caused by not having proper dental hygiene such as brushing your teeth and flossing on a daily basis. The food that you consume sticks between your teeth, on your gums and tongue. So without proper dental care this will cause the food that sits in your mouth to rot and decay and in turn causes a foul smelling odor in your mouth. The food that sits in your mouth and in between your teeth causes bacteria to grow which can then lead to more serious complications such as gingivitis or gum disease. Gingivitis is also a cause of bad breath.

Certain foods and drinks as well as smoking and tobacco products can also cause bad breath. The more common types of foods that cause halitosis or bad breath are onions, garlic, soda, cheese and processed meats. After consuming these foods it is important to properly maintain good care of your teeth by accurately brushing and flossing on a daily basis.

The prevention of bad breath can be done in 10 easy steps:

1. Brush your teeth twice daily, preferably with a fluoride toothpaste
2. Floss your teeth at least once daily to remove any food particles left behind
3. Clean and replace your toothbrush regularly
4. Consume more fruits and vegetables daily
5. Avoid certain foods or beverages that can cause bad breath such as garlic and soda
6. Avoid all types of tobacco products
7. Drink more water on a daily basis
8. Use a mouthwash after brushing making sure that you swish it around at least 30 seconds before spitting it out
9. Remove dentures at night brushing and soaking them in a disinfecting solution, removable braces should also be cleaned out
10. Follow up with your dentist every six months to achieve optimal dental health and care

There are other causes of bad breath such as diabetes, intestinal diseases, liver disorders, infections and poor diet so if after doing all these steps you find that you still have bad breath follow up with your physician to find out if there is another source to your halitosis or bad breath.

Monday, March 30, 2015

A 3 Month Guide to Mass Body Building

One of the most common things for younger lifters to want is mass. “How do I get big?” is a questions asked by thousands of men every year. To try and help this demographic we are going to share our favorite twelve week mass program. This routine has been battle tested many times and does produce results.

This routine is based on the idea of cycling training. Over the three months you will move through a few different phases of training, with each having a different goal in the entire cycle.

Month One
This will be a five day split working out five days in a row with two days off at the end. You can also split up the off days if needed. This is a higher rep phase.

Day one – Quads/Hamstring/Abs

  • Leg Press – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Hack Squats – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Leg Extensions – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Leg Curls – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Good Mornings – two sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Ab Crunch Machine – three sets of twenty to three0 repetitions
  • Leg Raises – three sets of twenty to three0 repetitions

  • Day two- Back/Biceps/Calves

  • Wide Grip Pulldowns – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Cable Rows – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Rows – two sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Dumbbell Curls – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Concentration Curls – two sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Standing Calf Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Seated Calf Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions

  • Day three – Chest/Triceps

  • Incline Bench Press – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions

  • Decline Hammer Press (or Dumbbell Press) – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Lying Barbell Triceps Extensions – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Rope Triceps Pushdowns – two sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions

  • Day four – Shoulders/Abs

  • Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Dumbbell Overhead Press – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Machine Rear Lateral Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Dumbbell Shrugs – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Crunches – three sets of twenty to three0 repetitions
  • Flat Bench Leg Pull-ins – three sets of twenty to three0 repetitions

  • Day five – Forearms/Calves

  • Barbell Wrist Curls – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Barbell Reverse Wrist Curls – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Standing Calf Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Donkey Calf Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions
  • Seated Calf Raises – three sets of twelve to fifteen repetitions

  • Month Two
    This will be a four-day split done over a week period with a rest day in the middle and two rest days on the end of the split. Now we adjust the exercises and lower repetitions with more volume.

    Day one – Quads/Hamstrings

  • Squats – five sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Lunges – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Leg Extensions – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Stiff-Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Leg Curls – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions

  • Day two – Chest/Triceps

  • Flat Bench Press – five sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Dumbbell Pullovers – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Pec Dec Flyes – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Dips – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Straight Bar Triceps Cable Extension – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions

  • Day three – Back/Biceps/Forearms

  • Deadlifts – five sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Pull-ups – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Barbell Rows – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Cable Rows – twosets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Barbell Curls – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Cable Curls – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions

  • Day four – Shoulders/Calves/Abs

  • Front Row – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Side Dumbbell Laterals – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Read Dumbbell Laterals – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Military Press – two sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Standing Machine Calf Raises – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Leg Press Calf Raises – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Seat Calf Raises – three sets of eight to twelve repetitions
  • Jackknife Crunches – two sets of twenty to three0 repetitions
  • Swiss Ball Crunches – two sets of twenty to three0 repetitions

  • Month Three
    This routine is similar to Month Two but with a few exercise swaps and slightly different rep ranges and volume. Finally we go to very low repetitions and straight power.

    Day one – Quads/Hamstrings

  • Squats – five sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Leg Press – four sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Leg Extensions – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Romanian Deadlifts – four sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Leg Curls – three sets of six to eight repetitions

  • Day two – Chest/Triceps

  • Flat Bench Press – five sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Incline Dumbbell Presses – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Dumbbell Pullovers – two sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Dips – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • EZ Bar Triceps Cable Extension – two sets of six to eight repetitions

  • Day three – Back/Biceps/Forearms

  • Deadlifts – five sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Pull-ups – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Barbell Rows – four sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Cable Rows – two sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Barbell Curls – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Dumbbell Preacher Curls – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Concentration Curls – two sets of six to eight repetitions

  • Day four – Shoulders/Calves/Abs

  • Push Press – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Side Dumbbell Laterals – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Read Dumbbell Laterals – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Dumbbell Front Rows – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Standing Machine Calf Raises – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Leg Press Calf Raises – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Seat Calf Raises – three sets of six to eight repetitions
  • Jackknife Crunches – two sets of twenty to thirty repetitions

  • Swiss Ball Crunches – two sets of twenty to thirty repetitions
  • Saturday, March 28, 2015

    Recent Medicare Developments

    The majority of citizens in the United States, age 65 or older, rely on Medicare as their primary source of health insurance. In addition, there are numerous individuals on Social Security disability who are also eligible for Medicare. Because Medicare has become politicized, it is difficult to distinguish exactly what changes are in store for recipients of Medicare and their providers.

    Medicare Going Broke
    Seventy-five percent of Medicare recipients participate in original Medicare, or government-run Medicare, while 25 percent have enrolled in Medicare Advantage Plans. These plans are private Medicare insurance plans that are reimbursed by the government. While there are differences in opinion on how Medicare should be funded, there is common agreement the program is in trouble; this is because it costs too much. Individuals presently on Medicare spend far more than what they have contributed during their working years. Healthcare costs are rising rapidly. Not only that, there is extreme waste taking place. Of the $500 billion Medicare spends annually, 20 to 30 percent may be wasted on unnecessary diagnostic tests. There are also 1.5 million baby boomers signing up for Medicare every year. These developments have contributed to make the future of Medicare one of the most important economic issues for the country.

    A Bleak Future for Medicare Advantage Plans
    The proposed reductions in government payments for Medicare Advantage Plans are estimated to be approximately $11 billion under the Affordable Care Act. These plans are essential to individuals who are under sixty-five and on disability, for Medicare supplemental plans are not offered to those under sixty-five. United Health Care, an insurance company that offers Medicare Advantage Plans, states it will abandon many of the Medicare Advantage markets because of the new cuts in reimbursement. It is estimated that 14 million people are presently on Medicare Advantage Plans.

    Changes in Medicare
    CMS intends to lower fees for imaging. This applies to fees paid for multiple cardiovascular and ophthalmology diagnostic services provided to the same patient on the same day. The first diagnostic test would receive full payment, but additional services would be decreased by 25 percent. The American College of Cardiology President, William Zoghbi, M.D., has stated that the proposal would damage patient care. The different tests ordered by physicians are pieces to a puzzle that enable them to come to a diagnostic conclusion. Under the new rules, Medicare paycheck changes are dependent upon the medical specialty. Primary care physicians will receive an increase in payment by 7 percent. On the other hand, radiation oncologists will see a drop of 14 percent in their payments. Unfortunately, Medicare patients are at a time in life when specialists are needed because of the complex medical problems they encounter.

    Opinions on Changes
    Sally Pipes, president of the Pacific Research Institute, says there’s no question the government will be putting more controls in Medicare spending. She states the result will be rationed care for the elderly and long waiting lines. She also states that one in three new Medicare eligible patients are having a difficult time finding a doctor because of the low payment physicians receive from CMS.
    Karen Davis, president of the Commonwealth Fund, believes that Obamacare will strengthen Medicare for its beneficiaries. She believes it will extend the fiscal solvency of the program and bring about changes in the health care system that will deliver better access and improved quality of care. She mentions the reduction in costs for prescription drugs and expansion of coverage for preventative care such as annual exams, mammograms, and colonoscopies.

    There is no doubt Medicare is changing. Will the changes be for the better, and will Medicare continue to exist as we presently know it? Will there be improvements in coverage or long waiting lines and rationed care? As usual, the best advice is to follow the money. Funding for Medicare is in jeopardy, and its future will ultimately depend on the ability of government and private groups to develop innovative solutions to fund the program.

    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    Dental Night Guard Buying Guide

    Teeth grinding can disturb a good night sleep but there are many different ways to prevent it. One of the simplest and most efficient methods is to use a night mouth guard.

    These devices are biting pads that should be worn before going to sleep. They are made from high quality plastic and should fit the mouth and teeth perfectly. Essentially, a dental night guard keeps your lower teeth from grinding with your upper teeth, providing a good solution for people with teeth clenching problems.

    Can be Good Investment

    Buying a one for teeth grinding is a good investment because teeth grinding can permanently wear down the teeth if it is not effectively treated. There are many different materials, sizes, and styles of guards available today. They can be purchased from pharmacies, teeth care stores, or pharmaceutical websites. Before you purchase any of them, you should pay attention to features like durability and comfort.

    Go For Custom Made Guard

    Dental night guards purchased from the drug store use a one size design. The benefit about these guards is that they can immediately be purchased. However, it will not do much good if it does not fit properly in your mouth. You cannot try on these guards before buying them, so choose your product carefully. Alternatively, you can purchase a custom made guard which can be shaped to fit your specific mouth size. These devices are boiled and then molded to your teeth, helping them to fit perfectly in your mouth.

    If you plan to be using a night guard for a long time you should buy a good quality one. There are several brands that create them but not all of them are durable. Choose a custom night guard that is made from strong but moldable plastic. This material is very strong but is also flexible to support mouth movements during the night. Some other designs may be made from rubber or a similar material.

    Wednesday, March 25, 2015

    Cancer Causing Foods

    When a person is diagnosed with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or kidney failure, dietitians and physicians will advise the patient on foods they should and should not be consuming. For instance, a patient with heart disease would be told to follow a low fat diet. With cancer patients, it seems they are given information on how to avoid weight-loss and nausea, but  they are not always informed about foods that COULD be feeding their cancer cells. I fully believe there are certain foods out there that have carcinogenic effects and should be avoided by those who have cancer, are in remission, or have a strong family history of the disease. The following is a small list of ingredients to avoid:

    Foods to Avoid:
    1. Sugar. Simple sugars provide the energy tumor and cancer cells need to grow and metastasize. Basically,  in both normal and cancerous cell growth, glucose (sugar) is utilized. By restricting glucose, you are slowing cancerous cell growth.

        AVOID: Doughnuts, crackers, chips, cookies, and ingredients: High Fructose Corn Syrup, sugar, sucrose, white pasta/rice/bread, and enriched bleached flour.

    2. Acrylamides: These are chemicals used for industrial purposes and found in foods produced by high temperature cooking. While it is uncertain if acrylamides pose a health risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), acknowledge that levels of acrylamides in food pose a reason for concern.

         Asparagine is an amino acid (building block of protein) found in many vegetables, with higher concentrations in potatoes. When starchy foods like french fries are exposed to high heat (>120 degrees F), asparagine can transform into acrylamides and has been shown to cause cancer in rats. While human studies are still incomplete, why take the risk?

        AVOID: French fries and other fried food items.

    3. Sodium nitrite (nitrates).  Nitrates and nitrites are chemicals used in pesticides, rodent repellents, and as food preservatives. Food companies add these chemicals to processed meats; hot dogs, lunch meat, bacon, etc., to aid in preservation and provide that fresh, pink color. Exposure can also come from contaminated drinking water and has even been found in fruits and vegetables. During digestion, these nitrites are transformed into nitrosamines, which act as carcinogens. Nitrosamines can be found in any pickled, fried, or smoked foods, BEER, cheese, fish byproducts, and tobacco smoke. While studies are non-conclusive on whether exposure of these nitrates is cancerous to adults, increased incidence of brain tumors, leukemia, and nose/throat tumors has been found in some studies with children (www.epa.gov).

        AVOID: Processed meats, hot dogs, and bacon as much as possible.

        While I acknowledge that this information may sound harsh and restrictive, I still feel it is necessary for people to be aware that FOODS can cause cancer, just as much as they can prevent cancer. I honestly believe that you can live a lifestyle of “moderation” IF you are 100% healthy. However, when fighting off disease, “moderation” takes on new meaning because your body needs to defend itself 24/7.

    For more information visit:

    WHO: http://www.who.int/foodsafety/chem/chemicals/acrylamide/en
    National Cancer Institute: www.cancer.gov

    Monday, March 23, 2015

    Things to be aware about Cosmetic Laser treatments

    Getting knowledge and information about various treatments and medical procedures are important to stay effective in the medical field. This is very influential in the case of medical professionals and technicians. Being one of the most potential treatment solutions cosmetic laser treatment courses have great demand in all parts of the globe. BY making a general awareness about these procedures you can make your learning process more easy and comfortable.

    First of all know what all things are mainly taught in these training processes. Laser equipments and techniques in procedures are the main two aspects involved in this treatment. First and the most important thing are to learn how to use the laser equipment. Being the most important factor in these treatments it is essential to know how to repair these equipments whenever needed. Realizing the importance for developing such awareness in students, equipment mastering has made a major stream.

    Who is Qualified For the Technique?
    As mention above physicians and certified nurses are the ones that are most qualified to learn this technique. However, this differs according to each state and to get the right information you need to know the laws and regulations present in your particular state. After equipment handling next crucial thing is to learn is the patient assessment. There are some significant steps to be taken in patient assessment both before and after the process. A good cosmetic laser technician is who know how to manage the equipments and complete the procedures perfectly without any errors. Follow up of the patients is also very important to ensure that they are completely fine and out of reactions. In certain cases, there might be certain side effects. This will be analyzed before the procedure itself but follow up is an unavoidable part to ensure complete safety.

    These procedures are made familiar to you during the training period with a variety of activities. Hands on training, assignments and demonstrations are those factors that play important role in making you master of these tasks. Well, it is a good thing to know that each and every laser cosmetic training program differs on the basis of curriculum. Even though the basic things are same, there are certain things that will have some slight changes in technology and techniques.

    LED, IPL and Fractional type of lasers are the most common and popular types of lasers used for the treatments. You will also get good awareness about some physics, pigmentation and pulse technology lessons. Graduate laser technology seekers will be taught to process treatments both before and after the procedures and how to exploit the possibilities of this laser treatment technology in different parts of the human body. With good passion and interest in these techniques any one can learn these courses easily.  For example National Association of Aesthetics (NALA) is a one great source for it.

    Sunday, March 22, 2015

    How to Cope With Pollen Allergies

    Do you suffer from pollen allergies? Unfortunately, it looks like pollen counts are on the rise as a result of climate change. According to the Huffington Post, climate change will not only increase pollen counts exponentially over the next few years, but also cause pollen season to begin earlier each year.

    This is bad news for the more than 60 million people in the United States that suffer from allergies. That’s 1 in 5 people! Maybe you are one of them.

    What is pollen allergy?

    Pollen is a powder released by plants as part of the natural process of reproduction. Different plants pollinate in different seasons so people with pollen allergies may see their symptoms heightened only during one or more particular seasons.

    When a person is allergic to pollen this means their immune system overreacts to pollen. Since pollen is not normally harmful, the body is releasing chemicals to combat it unnecessarily and the result are allergy symptoms like:
    • Sneezing
    • Watery eyes
    • Runny nose
    • Headache from sinus congestion
    • Cough
    • Itchy eyes and throat
    Pollen allergy symptoms may be mild, but they are often severe enough to disrupt a person’s lifestyle and ability to get a good nights sleep.
    There are a number of things you can do to help alleviate your symptoms:

    Common sense measures

    • ·  Close your doors and windows to keep pollen out of your house.
    • ·  Avoid going outside when the pollen count is high (early morning is the worst time).
    • ·  Don’t do activities like mowing grass, raking or gardening.
    • ·  Shower thoroughly and change your clothes after you go outside.

    Homeopathic remedies

    • ·  Saline nasal rinses can provide almost immediate relief by literally washing the pollen out of your nose and sinuses.
    • ·  Inhale steam—either during a hot shower or put your head over a bowl of hot water and cover yourself with a towel.
    • ·  Raw honey is purported to have anti-allergen properties, and also soothes sore throats.
    • ·  Vitamin D and supplements like Butterbur and Quercetin may help, but of course consult with your doctor before trying any supplements.


    There are a number of over the counter medications that will treat the symptoms of allergies including the itchy throat, sneezing and sinus headaches. One common type of medication are antihistamines which help prevent your immune system from reacting to the pollen. The other type of medication is a decongestant which treats sinus and nasal congestion.

    There are several medications on the market for children such as Claritin and Allegra. These medications, taken daily during allergy season, can dramatically reduce the symptoms. However, you should consult with your pediatrician before giving them to your children.

    For long-term relief you might consider getting Immunotherapy injections, commonly known as allergy shots, which over several years can help your body not respond to pollen allergens.

    Asthma is a condition that is often triggered by allergens like pollen. If you have asthma, consult with your doctor about which treatments might be most effective. For example, your doctor may give you a prescription to buy Singulair, which is a daily prescription medication use to treat both asthma and allergies.

    You don’t have to suffer

    The bad news is that pollen counts are on the rise—the good news is that you don’t have to suffer. There are many remedies available for the symptoms of pollen allergies.

    What You Shouldn’t Hide From Your Doctor

    If you have plans to visit your doctor in the near future, you should discuss the following five issues if they apply to you. By keeping the line of communication open with your physician and telling him or her everything that you need to, you will be making sure you receive the proper treatment so you can lead a long and healthy life.

    Disclose all Symptoms
    Many patients do not tell their doctors about all the symptoms they have been having for one reason or another. Quite often, patients think that symptoms are not a source of concern.  According to doctors, patients should always share their symptoms with their doctors even if a patient thinks the symptoms aren’t important or will dissipate quickly. Quite often, what appears to be a minor symptom turns out to be a bigger problem.

    Any Medication, Supplements, or Vitamins
    If you take any non-prescription medications or herbal supplements, you need to make certain you share this information with your doctor at your next appointment. Experts also recommend telling your doctor what type of vitamins and natural supplements you take as well. This is because not everyone should take over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, and other natural supplements.

    If You Are Taking Your Medication as Prescribed Regularly
    If your doctor has prescribed medication and you are not taking it regularly, then you want to be up front and tell your doctor that you are or are not taking your prescription regularly or as directed. In order to treat patients, doctors have to know exactly what their patients do on a regular basis. Not taking a medication as prescribed can have adverse effects and your physician needs to know about this, which is why it is important to always be truthful and tell your doctor whether you are taking your medication.

    Alcohol Consumption
    Many patients who drink alcohol on a regular basis often forget to mention this information to their doctor. According to the experts, patients should always tell their doctors if they drink, even if the amount is minimal. This is because many medications can react negatively with alcohol. This is why it is very important to share this information with your doctor even if you are too embarrassed to tell your doctor how often and how much you drink.

    Smoking or Drug Use
    Each time you visit your doctor you need to disclose whether you smoke or take illicit drugs.  Many people are embarrassed to be honest with their doctor, so they choose not to share this information. Not telling your physician the truth can have a devastating impact on your health. This is because doctors are there to help their patients. If they do not have all the information necessary to make the proper diagnosis and help their patients get better, then doctors have difficulty treating patients. This is why it is important for you to tell your doctor if you smoke or take drugs.

    By choosing to be honest with your doctor and never hiding any of the five issues discussed above, you will be on your way to making sure you get the best treatment each time you visit your physician.